From the start, Perpetua Resources has made the environment, social responsibility and good governance (ESG) a priority and the foundation of everything we do. We are proud to be taking steps to more formally define these aspects of our company, demonstrate these commitments through our actions and report on them regularly.
Scroll down to learn more about our commitments and how these are being implemented in our communities.
Adopted ESG policy in 2019
Community Agreement in 2018
60k+ Trees Planted
8+ Years No Reportable Spills
Dark Skies Commitments
Installed Solar Power
From designing the Stibnite Gold Project to restore the site after 100 years of legacy mining impacts to using antimony produced at the site to help solve climate change challenges, our commitment to the environment runs deep.
Through every step of the process, we have carefully considered the environment and looked for ways to reduce our impacts and create positive, long-term benefits for the site and beyond. As our plan has advanced through the permitting process, we have continued to identify improvements we can make that will help the environment. Conservation, mitigation and restoration are always top of mind for our team.
We are proud of the work we have already done to voluntarily improve conditions in the historical Stibnite Mining District. At the end of 2020, our team had planted more than 63,000 native tree species at the site, recycled 31 tons of scrap metal left behind by past operators and reclaimed 33 acres of land. In 2015, our team also installed solar panels to power our operations at the site and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Since the solar panels were installed, we have generated nearly 48,000 kWh of power.
In August 2021, Perpetua Resources entered into a partnership to supply a portion of our antimony production to support the commercialization of Ambri’s leading liquid metal battery for large scale storage of clean energy. Our agreement establishes the foundation to help facilitate the decarbonization of energy grids in the U.S. and around the world. Antimony from the Stibnite Gold Project will help power 13 Gigawatt hours of clean energy storage. America’s transition to 100 percent clean energy will not happen overnight but we excited to be doing our part.
Perpetua Resources is also working to lead the way in how the industry can help reduce light pollution and protect one of Idaho’s most valuable resources – our star-filled sky. In 2018, we published our Dark Skies Initiative outlining our plan to responsibly design night lighting at the site and reduce light pollution.
We continue to look for ways to show how modern mining can work hand in hand with the environment.
ESG Materials on the Environment:
Dark Skies Initiative ➝
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Audit ➝
Plan of Restoration & Operations Executive Summary ➝
Plan of Restoration & Operations Section 2 ➝
Plan of Restoration & Operations Section 5 ➝
Plan of Restoration & Operations Appendix G ➝
Modified Plan of Restoration & Operations ➝
Feasibility Study ➝
Prefeasibility Study ➝
Fish Tunnel Presentation ➝
Perpetua Resources believes in being a good corporate citizen. Transparency, direct communication and involvement in our region forms the basis of our community outreach and has helped us build a better project through community input and trust. We designed the Stibnite Gold Project to positively contribute to the communities around us.
Perpetua Resources is a purpose driven company. Mines must be about more than profit, they need to be about employees, community, protection of the environment and mines must win the support of the communities closest to their sites in order to operate. These concepts are at the heart of Perpetua resources.
Transparency is a key value in social responsibility. Over the last few years, Perpetua Resources has committed itself to transparency through providing public tours of the site. We have hosted close to 200 tours since 2015 and brought more than 900 people to site. We also created a virtual tour for those who can’t make the trip all the way to Stibnite.
Communicating regularly with the community is an essential part of building trust and growing stakeholder partnerships. Perpetua Resources has an open-door policy and works to meet with groups and citizens across Idaho, regardless of their position on the project, to answer questions and gather feedback. Three of Idaho’s Tribes are being consulted under the National Environmental Policy Act and we continue to engage any Tribes and Tribal members who are willing to meet. Our team also holds monthly office hours where people can connect with experts from our team and hosts a regular webinar series. In 2020, we hosted more than 77 public webinars. You can watch our past webinars here. Annually, our community relations team spends more than 1,700 hours a year on direct outreach activities.
Accountability means we are responsible for our actions and follow through on our commitments. That is why we entered into a community agreement with eight local cities, counties and villages in 2018. The agreement binds the operating company to always have a channel for community feedback and input throughout the life of the project. It also created the Stibnite Foundation, a charitable foundation funded by Perpetua Resources that gives local communities the power to determine how the foundation should benefit their region. Learn more here.
Perpetua Resources is also proud to directly support charities and educational enrichment in our communities. We have a dedicated Community Education Outreach position, so we can work with the schools to support STEM programs. Since creating the position in 2017, we’ve spent more than 1,800 hours in Idaho classrooms. Our company has also awarded more than $38,000 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors. Each year, our team gives their time and our company gives financial support to a variety of organizations. Since 2015, we’ve given more than $812,000 to support our communities. One program that has become particularly important to our team is our annual Coats for Kids drive, which helps make sure the children in our community have the warm clothes they need for Idaho’s cold winters.
ESG Materials on Social Responsibility:
There is no replacement for doing the right thing. We focus on making sure we meet or exceed all regulatory requirements and have instilled good governance practices into our business.
Perpetua Resources’ employees, directors and consultants are required to adhere to a strong set of corporate policies to ensure best practices in every aspect of our business. Employees and directors are required to participate in a yearly training session on the policies and sign that they have read, understand and agree to abide by the policies of Perpetua Resources.
Perpetua Resources takes its responsibilities for good governance and environmental protection seriously, and strongly supported an Idaho mining industry led effort to modernize Idaho’s financial assurance regulations. The legislation was successfully passed in early 2019 and regulations currently in process of being established. This updated legislation will result in significantly enhanced approaches to financial assurance to ensure mine sites are fully restored no matter what the outcome. This initiative increases costs and burden to the industry. We are proud to support this initiative because we believe it is the right thing to do.
ESG Materials on the Good Governance:
Whistleblower Policy ➝
Code of Conduct & Ethical Values Policy ➝
Anti-bribery & Anti-corruption Policy ➝
Charitable Donations Policy ➝
Insider Trading & Reporting Policy ➝
Information Technology & Security Policy ➝
Political Contributions Policy ➝
Diversity Policy ➝
Social Media Policy ➝
Human Resources Overview ➝